Pregnant women burned with boiling water by roommate.

 A lady shares photos of herself burned with boiling water by her roommate. She says she didn’t know why her roommate did this to her because they weren’t even close friends and she doesn’t remember fighting with her. 

Her roommate came back this other time and decided to pour boiling water onto the poor pregnant lady. 

This is what she said : 

While I was busy enjoying my pregnancy and chasing my dreams at Tshwane University of Technology, My roommate decided to burn me with boiling water intentional knowing very well I'm 34 weeks pregnant, she didn't have a reason because I kept on asking why umuntu decided to just stare at me. It hurts ngoba all I wanted was imphilo encono

On the 19 of September 2023 in the morning my roommate came back from a sleepover. She found me in the kitchen eating and preparing my notes since I was writing later on that day. Normally she would greet me but that day she didn't, and I found it weird but I didn't ask her about it... She went into our room and came back to the kitchen, she took out her pot and poured water into it, she switched the stove on for the water to boil bese she stood at our bedroom door and waited for the water to boil, I also found that weird because she doesn't normally wait for her pot to be ready, she always switches the stove on and be busy with something else but that day she stood there and waited for the water to boil.... I was busy minding my own business when I felt heat on my back and I turned to face her she was holding the pot that had boiling water as I screamed and ask her why did she do that, she just stared at me and didn't answer me that's when I went out running and crying for help, everyone at res came out but they didn't help so I decided to run to the security, while I was running she was following me and I kept on turning back and asking "why would you that we are not even that close".... when I reached the security, I explained while crying so they tried to stop her from getting close to but she was fighting with them, she was pushing to get close to me... And I was taken at that moment to the nearest clinic, that where I opened a case against her and she was arrested, when the police officers fetched apparently she was playing gospel on her phone and she also fought with police.

Mina I knew ukuthi we don't have a beef Mina, we are cool roommates and we have never fought, not knowing ukuthi she is holding a grudge against me because there was a time I didn't give her my teabags and she mentioned this at her hearing two weeks back..

When she mentioned that I immediately asked her ukuthi "so you want to tell me ukuthi you burnt because of my teabags"...

By McFlurry innocent 


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